Tuesday, May 29, 2007

How soulful your interactions are

People experience uncountable emotions in varying shades, so complex and varied, in different relations.Naming and describing them is not really a doable task.We, mortals, find it so easy to shift the blame on somebosy else for anyhing wrong with us.Be it a relation between parents and their wards, friends , any romantic relation or any other.It 's so easy to hear things like - "You didn't meet my expectations";"He let me down";"She deceived me";"What is my mistake?""You are not good/mature enough" ;".......................".And people keep clinging to addictive and obssesive relations.
But that 's not the issue we are discussing.
We are trying to talk about solutions.
If your interactions with people in any relation,whatsoever, of any intensity, are not that soulful, that your absence is not conspicuous , then you better work on yourself, rather than blaming others for what you think that they have done to you.
When I say soulful , I refer to a totally different level of interaction.
Something , that is not directed by any need.Even in relations like a customer-supplier relation, whose very basis is a satisfaction of a mutual need can be taken to that level.When you meet with the person as pure consciouness, as someone who is same in essence as you, it 's then, when the joy of being flows, and the act of selling something becomes secondary; for you are connecting to the source of life itself.
Such kind of people do exist.And we always remember any sort of encounter with them, however small it happens to be.These are the ones, who don't play any roles.They don't try to appear more than what they are; they are remarkable and the only ones who make any difference to the world around.Whatever they do, becomes empowered.Their simple presence is soothing.They have a transformational effect on whatever and whoever they come in contact with.
It is a state which when you reach, a touch or a word or simple look will have its effect in healing somebody.Then , you 'll no longer pretend or play any roles, for , you , just being yourself ,are enough.It 's when you realize ,"We all are same".
It is then when real humility will come, and we 'll know that self esteem and humility are same.
Let the masks and the roles lose their significance!!!
Let the light shine through!!!

We, the people

I happened to watch the talk show of Karan Johar with Richard Gere. I didnt switch channel for it involved one of the finest and my favourite actors.And these guys started discussing India and China.Since, Gere is a buddhist.They talked about Dalai Lama and then Gere's love for India and stuff.And then he praised India and Indian people on various fronts.
Somewhere, in between , I wondered what is it that makes us Indians?
What is the essence of the so called Indianness?
What is it?
Language? culture? food?religion?superstitions?software?democracy?corruption?pollution?population?disparity?
ancient wisdom?ayurveda?communal riots?accomodativeness?..................?
I couldn't put my finger on one thing.
And then , I thought of the Nokia N95 commercial
and it is esay to guess what I said to myself-
there is this thing I wear (Indianness),
but , it is not one thing;
It is many.