Tuesday, May 29, 2007

We, the people

I happened to watch the talk show of Karan Johar with Richard Gere. I didnt switch channel for it involved one of the finest and my favourite actors.And these guys started discussing India and China.Since, Gere is a buddhist.They talked about Dalai Lama and then Gere's love for India and stuff.And then he praised India and Indian people on various fronts.
Somewhere, in between , I wondered what is it that makes us Indians?
What is the essence of the so called Indianness?
What is it?
Language? culture? food?religion?superstitions?software?democracy?corruption?pollution?population?disparity?
ancient wisdom?ayurveda?communal riots?accomodativeness?..................?
I couldn't put my finger on one thing.
And then , I thought of the Nokia N95 commercial
and it is esay to guess what I said to myself-
there is this thing I wear (Indianness),
but , it is not one thing;
It is many.

1 comment:


To your statements...I would add the lines of the father of the nation...
Here I go...
"I shall work for an India in which the poorest shall feel that it is their country, in whose making, they have an effective voice, an India in which there shall be no high class and low class of people, an India in which all communities shall live in perfect harmony."
This would be India of our dreams...