Monday, August 13, 2007

Quantum entanglement & the dicey game

"Two entities can stay in instantaneous and sponatanous contact, even if they are largely separated in space and time.And an event with one affects the physical reality of the other in the same way even if they are light years away". Doesn't that sound like a very mystical statement.But what if you were to be told that there is scientific evidence for it (as my bretheren who are primarily driven by intellect love to call it)? This phenomenon is popularly known as Quantum Entanglement in the science community, who is in love or hate (we 'll come to it later) with quantum mechanics.
I studied quantum mechanics in school and college, but I knew it only in its present form, never got into or got the chance and time to get into much of its history.Recently happened to do that and reflect upon that.

In 1981, when a certain french youngman Mr Aspect decided, he wanted to perform experiments, which may prove Einstein wrong, it was met with questioning and ridiculing looks.A certain professor said in a very dark tone, "You are a very courageous graduate student,I have met".Before proceeding, let 's look back into the history.In very simple (layman) terms quantum theory says, "It is not possible to predict the state of a particle with certainty before the measurement is made." The measurement or observation is supposed to give it some kind of jolt and it collapses into a certain state.As the famous Heisenberg uncertainty principle said there 'll always be some uncertainty in the state measuremnt on which he put a lower limit, with his inequality.
Mr Einstein (one of the haters of the theory) was always uncomfortable with the uncertainty thing in quantum theory.He argued, the fact that quantum theory can't predict the outcome of a measurement didn't mean, there is inherent uncertainty in universe, it only meant that the theory was incomplete & there were extra variables. As he once famously said, "God does not play dice with the world." So , the physicist who believed in God, devised a thought experiment with two others, known as the EPR paradox (Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen) to dissaprove the theory.Consider a photon splits into two parts and they travel in opposite direction.Now a observation is made on the one particle, which defines its state.Now with newton laws, the state of the other can be ascertained without making any measurement, which contradicts the Quantum Theory(QT). There was a loophole though. What if the first particale signalled to the other, that a measurement is made? To which Einstein had another solid argument, that it can't happen for according to special theory of relativity, information can't travel faster than light.Since there was not much evidence in 1935, none of the parties could completely knock out the other.
Mr John Bell, (in 1960's) showed that for particles to obey these assumptions they should satisfy certain requirement known as Bell's inequality.
Mr Aspect, the french physicist, conducted the experiments suggested by EPR paradox and showed that the results violated Bell's inequalities, and the other photon came to know of the observation (event) on the first (it knew more than it was supposed to know), proving that quantum theory was valid, which was badly shaken after the EPR paradox.
So, that meant either one or both of the assumptions made by EPR were wrong.The certainty thing or the info can't travel faster than light one.But it was argued later that the inequality violation didn't necessarliy prove that info can be sent faster than light, & the other assumption was also saved referring to some loopholes in the experiment.
Well, all this has very interesting implications. In a way, it violates the concept of local realism i.e. the state of a system is not only decided by its interactions with its immediate surroundings but also by other particles it is entangled with.What if you had a soulmate, that you are entangled with , on this planet going through various circumstances; interesting??? Or even fancier and not a weak possibility, in some other part of the universe?
Another implication can be the mystical notion that all the particles of the universe are instantaneously interconnected and can exchange information. Telepathy can be a possibility.
A few more aplications are quanatum computing( which can be dramatically faster than the existing one) and teleportation.In fact, some quantum teleportation experiments on quantum particles are already performed.
And the very interesting one, "Does God play dice with the world?" I don't have any answer. Truth is very slippery & elusive. Just when you think, you have got hold it, it 'll slip out.On a very quasi-objectve basis, I feel, sometime he does, sometimes doesn't.
Einstein, till his last days was trying to find one unifying theory, that doesn't violate relativity and doesn't imply 'God playing dice'. His befuddlement is really understandable.So, is there a theory that can explain all the mystical, intellectual, quantum & classical phenomena and off course the dice game?
Does He or doesn't He?

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